Affiliate Program

Do you want to share my fitness programs?

I created an affiliate program as a way to say thank you for sending me referrals.  Your referrals mean a lot to me!
Once accepted into the affiliate program, you will have a special link to share with others.  This link will let me know who buys from you, so I can give you credit.  The cookies will be tracked for 30 days.

I will pay you directly through your PayPal account at the beginning of each month. The commission is 35% unless otherwise noted!


1. Affiliate program application

First, you fill out the application for the affiliate program.

2. Complete AFFILIATE Contract

If your application is accepted I will email you an affiliate contract to fill out.

3. Set up Account

Once your contract is received I will set up an account for you and you receive your special link to share!

Disclosure Tips

Always make sure your disclose you are an affiliate first. It should be clear, simple, and visible.

For social media, you can use any of the hashtags: #sponsored #promotion #ad

For websites, emails, or messages you can use something like this:

“Hey, you know the way I’ve run this blog for years and that I only recommend products that I actually own and use? Well, some of the links you click on are what’s known as “affiliate links”. So if you do buy something I’ll probably earn a few bucks.”


"I only endorse programs that I love. The links below are affiliate links and I'll earn a commission on qualifying purchases."


"As an affiliate, I earn commissions of qualifying purchases."