Ready to Keep your metabolism working well?

Do you feel losing weight is hard?

Do you feel like as you are getting older your metabolism is slowing down?

Making sure you are optimizing your metabolism is key for women!

Discover the secrets to your metabolism....

What slows your metabolism down

Metabolism is more than just calories in and calories out. There are so many things that slow your metabolism down and prevent you from losing weight.

How to prevent cravings

It is going to be impossible to lose weight if you are always hungry and craving treats. Discover what can help to reduce hunger & cravings and keep your energy up.

How to exercise & what to avoid

Exercise & movement can help you to lose weight, but if not done correctly it can actually slow down your weight loss. Sounds crazy, right?

Get inspired & figure out what your next step should be...

"I enjoyed your metabolism workshop.  One thing I’m going to try to incorporate right away is walking the dog right after lunch based on what you said."

"Thanks for the webinar! I really appreciated your advice to try out different things to see what works best for us. I've noticed I have a really hard time feeling satisfied if I don't have some kind of starch with my meals. Some of this may just be needing to let my body adjust more, but thanks to the info you shared, I'm going to try intentionally including a little bit at meals (rather than skipping starches at meals and then snacking on them later 😬). 
"Your metabolism webinar last week motivated me to try incorporating more walking into my day. 🚶🏽‍♀️Feeling good about my progress…went for a short walk today, which I don’t really do much of due to knee discomfort. I feel like all the strengthening I’ve been doing with you has helped!"
